dear blog,
i am in LOVE.
over the past couple of days i have discovered two AMAZINGLY AWESOME movies. the first is 'beetle juice' (michael keaton, winona ryder) and 'stranger than fiction' (will ferrell, emma thompson).
i just loved lydia from 'beetlejuice (hence the picture above ^.^), even if she is a little goth and wants to be dead...the actual character beetle juice made me laugh, michael keaton really is an amazing actor.
emma thompson's character in stranger than fiction (a writer named karen eiffel), is amazing. i think i want to be an author like her...except not addicted to smoking cigarettes. it's really cool how she would try to put herself in the situation her main character is in. and will ferrell did a really good job (here i was thinking he only did comedy movies!).
anyway, onto my day today.
so, today i helped out in sunday school, which was quite enjoyable. the lady i was helping was really, really lovely. she kept calling me precious and beautiful :)
after church, i made a daisy chain and wore it around my head, like a crown. it then started to pour, so i danced in the rain for a little while.
alot of other boring things happened today, and i think one of our chicken are ill.
quote of the day: "you're just as sane as i am." -luna lovegood.
set of the day:
i am amazed at this incredible set :)
could you possibly comment if you're reading?
Hey Em, The set is beautiful!! and you looked beautiful today,(but you always do) so it isn't hard to imagine someone saying you were precious and beautiful, cos you just are. Love what you are writing, it just flows so well. Or maybe you are just as insane as me, LOL!! dancing in the rain, sigh!!! oh the joy of being young and carefree and being brave enough to not care what anyone thinks. you rock!!tanxx