Today wasn't very eventful, though I enjoyed it. I awoke to Amos crawling on me, which was lovely. I stayed in bed for a while after that, it was too cold to get up :) But soon the girls entered my room, screaming at me to get out of bed, because they had to go to their dance class. So, I hauled myself from my snuggly doona, got dressed and made myself some vegemite toast.
While the girls were doing their lessons, i sat in the car and did school. Quite boring. After three hours of that, we drove home, where I sat on the computer and sent emails to Moony.
Then I watched an episode of Bakuagn, titled 'Bakugan Stall'. IT WAS AMAZINGLY HEART-BREAKING. It showed you a bit of Shun's back story, which included his mother dying and his grandfather forcing him to become a ninja.
BUT GET THIS: in the Japanese version, they had his mother die, while in the English dub, they make it seem like she's in a coma. It's so funny though, because you see her stop breathing, and then the Americans gave her a voice-over. Hilariousness.
After that finished, Tanya arrived to take the girls to their violin lesson, and I tagged along so I could see Moony. (Her mother gives the lessons). But it was all very sad, because she and her brothers were recovering from colds, so we couldn't run around like ninja's/vampires.
Oh, and tonight Laura's boyfriend, Brendon, insisted that he wanted to join Ninja School. He actually thought he could beat Sensei Uchiha, ahah. I told him not to get cocky.
L.M. Gates (or loony).
Thought I'd share this picture of chibi Sven and Train. That's Eve's head you can see, ahah :)
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"Sometimes I`m stressed and I`m sick of things and I need to forget about them for a while, so in Harry Potter you`re taken to this wonderful imaginary world where everything is so different." -Evanna Lynch