I bet you thought I had forgotten about you, my nonexistent readers! Well, I hadn't. I got myself banned from the computer, meaning I couldn't write here, Polyvore, not even on a Word Document. *sigh* Life can be so cruel.
So how am I managing to type up this blog post, when I'm not supposed to be on the computer, you ask? Well, the answer is quite simple: I sneaked on ("Sneaking? Sneaking? Fat hobbit is always so polite. Smeagol shows them secret ways that nobody else could find, and they say "sneak!" Sneak? Very nice friend. Oh, yes, my precious. Very nice, very nice." Gollum ftw! But I'm getting off subject...). Oh, don't look at me like that, Mum did say I could write on here if I finished all my work, and I did...well, most of it, anyway.
ON A NEW SUBJECT, my mother was teasing me today, because I can't whistle, and I was reminded of the scene in Madagascar two, when King Julien insists that he's a brilliant whistler, and ends up spitting saliva everywhere...it gave me the giggles. He really is quite clueless, but a fantastic character.

Oh, I finally visited the library yesterday afternoon and got...*deep breath*...two volumes of Fruits Basket, volume eight of Naruto, volume one of Yu-Gi-Oh!, volume three of +anima, a guide to reading The Lord Of The Rings, Muggles and Magic (packed with stuff about the world of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling), a Fall Out Boy cd (Live in Phoenix), a Vampire Weekend cd, a visual guide to The Fellowship of the Ring movie....and I think that's it.
I wanted to get Septimus Heap, because Moony said it was really good, but they only had book two and four. They didn't have the next Ranger's Apprentice book that I'm up to, either, which was frustrating.
TOMORROW IS THURSDAY, MEANING I'LL GET TO SEE MOONY! I haven't talked to her for three days, and I can't wait to show her the Naruto and Fruits Basket I got :3
I'm rambling now, so I'll just go...
L.M. Gates
P.S. Mum's at the hospital now, having fierce contractions...I may just have a new baby brother or sister by midnight!
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"Sometimes I`m stressed and I`m sick of things and I need to forget about them for a while, so in Harry Potter you`re taken to this wonderful imaginary world where everything is so different." -Evanna Lynch